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Send Email


Send an email using a variety of email services


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
Use Dynamic NameShow the Dynamic Name slot in the tree so that it can be set dynamicallyBoolean Block GroupNo
Dynamic NameThe dynamic name of this itemText Block GroupNo
AttributesMetadata values for this block. Used in XML and multipart/form-data.Text Block GroupNo
Email ServiceThe email service to useText Block GroupNo
Email SubjectThe subject of the emailText Block GroupNo
Email Body HTMLThe body of the emailText Block GroupNo
Email Body TextThe body of the email that will be displayed to recipients who have HTML display disabledText Block GroupNo
Email ToThe email addresses to send the email to, comma separated (some, but not all email services accept a format like `Name <email@address>`)Text Block GroupNo
Email CCThe email addresses to CC the email to, comma separated (some, but not all email services accept a format like `Name <email@address>`)Text Block GroupNo
Email BCCThe email addresses to BCC the email to, comma separated (some, but not all email services accept a format like `Name <email@address>`)Text Block GroupNo
Email AttachmentsA Data Structure of base64 encoded attachments to include in the emailData Structure Process Block GroupNo
Email Service API KeyThe API key for the email serviceText Block GroupNo
Email Service API SecretThe API secret for the email service, Postmark calls this the server tokenSemi-Secret Block GroupNo
SMTP UsernameThe username for the SMTP serverText Block GroupNo
SMTP PasswordThe password for the SMTP serverSemi-Secret Block GroupNo
SMTP Host AddressThe host for the SMTP serverText Block GroupNo
SMTP PortThe port for the SMTP serverNumber Block GroupNo
Email Service DomainThe domain for the email serviceText Block GroupNo
Sender EmailThe sender email addressText Block GroupNo
Reply To EmailThe reply to email addressText Block GroupNo
EncryptionOpportunisticStartTLS (tries to use TLS after initial connection, if not available will connect without TLS), MandatoryStartTLS (always use TLS after initial connection), SSL (everything including the initial connection is encrypted)Text Block GroupNo