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Item by Path (Data Structure Reference)


Retrieves a value from a Data Structure by its path


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
Use Dynamic NameShow the Dynamic Name slot in the tree so that it can be set dynamicallyBoolean Block GroupNo
Dynamic NameThe dynamic name of this itemText Block GroupNo
AttributesMetadata values for this block. Used in XML and multipart/form-data.Text Block GroupNo
Source Data StructureSource data structure to reference node fromData Structure Block GroupYes
Node PathReference to a given node within the data structure. e.g. A property `objectProperty.childPropertyName`, first item in array `objectProperty.arrayName[0]`, or combine them like `objectProperty.arrayName[3].childPropertyName`. Use double quotes if names contain a bracket or dot (`.`) or your item is named by a number. Array items followed by a `.` at the beginning or preceded by a `.` at the end do not need square brackets, all other array items must be inside square brackets.Text Block GroupYes
Set a Fallback ValueSet a fallback value for if this node reference doesn't exist. Selecting this will expose the slot in the tree for you to add a value.Boolean Block GroupNo
Fallback ValueA default value to use if the node reference does not exist in the data structure. If you're setting a data structure as a fallback, ensure it's not empty and has an array or object defined.Basic Type Block GroupNo