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Wrapper enables to wrap multiple sections together. It's especially useful to achieve nested layouts with shared border or background images across sections.


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
ChildrenChildren componentWrapper Component Block GroupNo
Style SetsOptional list of Email Style blocks to apply to this blockText Block GroupNo
Custom CSS ClassesOptional space-separated list of CSS classes to be applied to the element. Intended for use with EmailCSS blocks.Text Block GroupNo
Text AlignmentHow text should be aligned inside the element.Text Block GroupNo
PaddingThe padding around the element.Text Block GroupNo
Padding BottomThe padding below the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding LeftThe padding to the left of the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding RightThe padding to the right of the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding TopThe padding above the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
BorderThe border around the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border TopThe border across the top of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border RightThe border down the right of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border BottomThe border across the bottom of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border LeftThe border down the left of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border RadiusThe rounding radius of the corners of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Full WidthIf true, make this block fill the full width of its containerBoolean Block GroupNo
Background ColourThe colour of the background of this block.Colour Block GroupNo
Background PositionThe position of the background image in its container.Text Block GroupNo
Background RepeatHow the background image should repeat (or not) across its container.Text Block GroupNo
Background SizeThe size of the background image in its container.Text Block GroupNo
Background URIThe absolute URI of the background image for the block.Text Block GroupNo