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Navigating Comnoco


There's a handy guided tour available in the app that takes you through the key features of the interface. You can access it from the top of your Dashboard.

The user interface is split into parts with left hand menus, a status bar, and tabs for open files or screens. There are a few screens that are worth exploring:

The Dashboard

Here you see the teams that you are in and within each team, you can manage their workspaces or enter a workspace to start building.


The editor is where you write your processes.

There are three types of file that you can create:

  1. Function collection (Logix) files. These are files that can contain one or more functions. Functions allow you to create a process that can then be called from one or more other functions. If you build a private function, it will only be re-useable within the same logix file.
  2. Trigger files. Triggers allow you to expose your functions as APIs or Webhooks. Scheduled triggers are coming soon.
  3. Template files. Templates are for creating highly personalised, responsive HTML email templates for transactional emails. Templates can be used by calling them from within a logix function. PDF templates are coming soon.

Become a Comnoco ninja 🥷 with keyboard shortcuts. You can access a list of these from the bottom bar.