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Token (JWT) Auth


Auth using a Token (JWT)


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
Manually Configure instead of using JWKS URLManually configure instead of automatically using a JWKS URL.Boolean Block GroupNo
Auto Configure - Public key JWKS URLThe JWKS URL used to auto configure the public key.Text Block GroupNo
PEM-encoded RSA Public KeyThe PEM-encoded RSA *Public* key for signature verificationText Block GroupNo
Allowed Signing AlgorithmThe allowed signing algorithm. This prevents algorithm substitution attacks by ensuring only specified algorithms are accepted (eg. "RS256").Text Block GroupNo
Show Advanced OptionsIf on, exposes advanced options.Boolean Block GroupNo
Token LocationTokenLocation is where the JWT can be found in the request (ie. one of Header or Cookie)Text Block GroupNo
Auth Container NameAuthContainerName is the name of the header or cookie containing the JWTText Block GroupNo
Expected Issuer (iss)The Expected Issuer (eg. ""). This ensures the token was issued by a trusted entity.Text Block GroupNo
Expected Subject (sub)The Expected subject (eg. "user123", "admin123"). This can be used to ensure the token is for a specific user or entity.Text Block GroupNo
Expected Audience (aud)The Expected audience (eg. "my-backend-api"). Represents the intended recipient of the token, often the backend system or API that will validate and process the token. This ensures that the token is being sent to the correct server or service (Comnoco).Text Block GroupNo
Expected Authorized Party (azp)Expected authorized party (eg. ""). Represents the client or frontend system that is authorized to use the token, often the application or service that initially requested the token from the authorization server.Text Block GroupNo