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Delimited Data to Data Structure


Converts a Delimited Data source into a Data Structure

Data Structure


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
SourceData source containing delimited dataData Structure Input Data Process Block GroupYes
DelimiterDefine the delimiter used in your data. Supports a single character only.Text Block GroupNo
Comment CharacterRemoves lines (comments) that begin with this character. Supports a single character only.Text Block GroupNo
Lenient QuotesWhen switched on, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field.Boolean Block GroupNo
Trim Leading WhitespaceWhen switched on, leading white space in a non quoted field is ignored.Boolean Block GroupNo
Field ValidationValidate incoming data to make sure each record has a given number of fields.Text Block GroupNo
Number of fieldsThe number of fields each record should have.Number Block GroupNo