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Email Style


The email style block allows you to define a set of re-usable styles to be added inline to blocks based on their block type or applied directly to individual blocks.


ParameterParameterValid BlocksRequired
Apply as default toSelect the list of blocks you want to apply these styles to by defaultText Block GroupNo
Custom CSS ClassesOptional space-separated list of CSS classes to be applied to the element. Intended for use with EmailCSS blocks.Text Block GroupNo
Wrapped Icon Alt TextThe alt text to display on the icon when the accordion is wrapped.Text Block GroupNo
Wrapped Icon URIThe URI of the icon to display when the accordion is wrapped.Text Block GroupNo
Unwrapped Icon Alt TextThe alt text to display on the icon when the accordion is unwrapped.Text Block GroupNo
Unwrapped Icon URIThe URI of the icon to display when the accordion is unwrapped.Text Block GroupNo
Left IconThe icon to the left of the main image.Text Block GroupNo
Right IconThe icon to the right of the main image.Text Block GroupNo
Thumbnail BorderThe border around the thumbnails.Text Block GroupNo
Thumbnail Border RadiusThe rounding radius of the corners of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Thumbnail Selected Border ColourThe colour of the border around the thumbnails. Defaults to #000000 (black)Colour Block GroupNo
Thumbnail Hover Border ColourThe colour of the border around the thumbnails. Defaults to #000000 (black)Colour Block GroupNo
Thumbnail WidthThe width of the thumbnails.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Border ColourThe colour of the border. Defaults to #000000 (black)Colour Block GroupNo
Border StyleWhether the border is a solid line, dashed, or dotted.Text Block GroupNo
Border WidthThe width of the border. Default: 4pxUnit Value Block GroupNo
Fluid on MobileIf true, the image will always be full-width on mobile, even if an image width is set.Boolean Block GroupNo
ModeWhether the height should be fixed and based on the Height parameter, or fluid and based on the size of its contents.Text Block GroupNo
Icon AlignmentThe vertical alignment of the icon.Text Block GroupNo
Icon PaddingThe padding around the iconText Block GroupNo
Icon PositionWhether to display the icon on the left or rightText Block GroupNo
Icon SizeThe size (width and height) of the iconUnit Value Block GroupNo
Icon HeightThe height of the icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Icon WidthThe width of the iconUnit Value Block GroupNo
Image descriptionUsed by screen readers and e-mail clients with image downloads switched off.Text Block GroupNo
Icon AlignmentThe alignment of the menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Close Icon CharacterThe character code of the character to be used for the close menu icon. Defaults to ⊗ (8855).Text Block GroupNo
Open Icon CharacterThe character code of the character to be used for the open menu icon. Defaults to ☰ (9776).Text Block GroupNo
Icon ColourThe colour of the hamburger icon. Defaults to #000000 (black)Colour Block GroupNo
Icon FontThe list of preferred fonts for the mobile menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Icon SizeThe size of the icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Icon Line HeightThe line height to use for the menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Menu Icon PaddingThe padding around the menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Menu Icon Padding BottomThe padding below the menu icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Menu Icon Padding LeftThe padding to the left of the menu icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Menu Icon Padding RightThe padding to the right of the menu icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Menu Icon Padding TopThe padding above the menu icon.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Icon DecorationAdditional decoration to apply to the menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Icon TransformAn optional text transformation to apply the menu icon.Text Block GroupNo
Base URLThe base URL for the items in the navigation.Text Block GroupNo
Collapse Menu on MobileIf true, show the navbar as a collapsable menu on mobile.Boolean Block GroupNo
Mouse-over tooltip (title)Displayed on mouse-over and used by accessibility software.Text Block GroupNo
On-Click URIThe link to take the user to when they click on this element.Text Block GroupNo
RelThe rel of the element.Text Block GroupNo
TargetThe target for the link. Defaults to 'external-link'.Text Block GroupNo
Cell PaddingThe space between the edges of table cells and their contentUnit Value Block GroupNo
Cell SpacingThe space between the edges of table cells and their surrounding cellsUnit Value Block GroupNo
Table LayoutHow the table should be laid out.Text Block GroupNo
FontThe list of preferred fonts for this element.Text Block GroupNo
Text ColourThe colour of the text in this block. Defaults to #000000 (black)Colour Block GroupNo
Text SizeThe size of the text in this block.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Font StyleWhether the font should be normal (upright) or italicised.Text Block GroupNo
Font WeightHow light or bold the text should be.Text Block GroupNo
Letter SpacingThe spacing between letters.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Line HeightThe height of each line of text inside the element.Text Block GroupNo
Text DecorationWhether the text should be underlined, overlined, etc.Text Block GroupNo
Text TransformWhether the text should be underlined, overlined, etc.Text Block GroupNo
Text AlignmentHow text should be aligned inside the element.Text Block GroupNo
HeightUnit Value Block GroupNo
WidthThe width of the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
PaddingThe padding around the element.Text Block GroupNo
Padding BottomThe padding below the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding LeftThe padding to the left of the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding RightThe padding to the right of the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Padding TopThe padding above the element.Unit Value Block GroupNo
Inner PaddingThe padding around the inside of the buttonText Block GroupNo
Text PaddingThe padding around the text.Text Block GroupNo
BorderThe border around the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border TopThe border across the top of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border RightThe border down the right of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border BottomThe border across the bottom of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border LeftThe border down the left of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Border RadiusThe rounding radius of the corners of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner BorderThe inner border around the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner Border TopThe inner border across the top of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner Border RightThe inner border down the right of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner Border BottomThe inner border across the bottom of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner Border LeftThe inner border down the left of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Inner Border RadiusThe rounding radius of the corners of the element.Text Block GroupNo
Background ColourThe colour of the background of this block.Colour Block GroupNo
Background URIThe absolute URI of the background image for the block.Text Block GroupNo
Background SizeThe size of the background image in its container.Text Block GroupNo
Background PositionThe position of the background image in its container.Text Block GroupNo
Background RepeatHow the background image should repeat (or not) across its container.Text Block GroupNo
Container Background ColourThe colour of the background of the container.Colour Block GroupNo
Inner Background ColourThe inner background colour of the column. Requires a padding to show.Colour Block GroupNo
DirectionWhether the text direction is left-to-right or right-to-left.Text Block GroupNo
Full WidthIf true, make this block fill the full width of its containerBoolean Block GroupNo
Horizontal AlignmentHow the block should be aligned horizontally within its container.Text Block GroupNo